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  • Rapala-VMC

    Max Rap : Le haut de gamme des poissons nageurs, spécialement conçu pour pêcher le bar.

  • VMC Pêche
    VMC Pêche

    Hameçon triple

  • LISI

    Fixation automobile

  • LISI

    Fixation médicale

  • Rapala-VMC

    Clackin Minnow : Le leurre le plus bruyant du marche grâce à un système unique de caisse de résonance.

  • Viellard Migeon et Compagnie
    Viellard Migeon et Compagnie

    Siège social


    Anneaux de brasage


    Fil matière

  • Viellard Migeon et Compagnie
    Viellard Migeon et Compagnie


  • Rapala-VMC

    Ultra Light Minnow : Un petit leurre économique pour pêcher la truite

  • Viellard Migeon et Compagnie
    Viellard Migeon et Compagnie
    Salle de réception Les écuries


  • LISI

    Leader européen en fixations automobiles, aéronautiques et médicales

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Key Dates


Strengthening in the two listed subsidiaries Lisi and Rapala-VMC.


225 years of Viellard Viellard Migeon et Compagnie.

Lisi holding in Grandvillars (France)
Lisi head office in Grandvillars (France)


Lisi holding moves the head office Rue Juvénal Viellard in Grandvillars (France).


Lisi Aerospace acquired the Group Manoir Aerospace. This acquisition was realized with the aim of strenghtening structural components division by integrating complementary technologies.


Fixation automobile Lisi
Fasteners Lisi Automotive
Viellard Migeon & Compagnie has increased on the stock market its holding in Rapala-VMC. direct and indirect holdings exceed 30%.
LISI Aerospace has strengthened its position by acquiring Creuzet Aéronautique and Indraero. At the same time, LISI has disposed entirely of its subsidiary LISI Cosmetics.


Hameçon simple VMC
Fishhooks VMC
VMC Pêche, located in Morvillars, a world leader in the manufacture of triple fishing hooks, has celebrated its centenary.
Rapala-VMC has completed the integration of the Sufix fishing line business and has acquired the Ultrabite and Dynamite Baits brands.
LISI Medical has strengthened its position in this sector by acquiring Stryker Benoist Girard and has continued the integration of LISI Medical Orthopaedics. LISI Automotive has finalized its agreements with Acument Global Technologies France to take over two industrial sites.
VMC Pêche has received the EPV mark : Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant ("Living Heritage Business").


Christophe Viellard has been elected Chairman of the Board and succeeds Michel Viellard, who will have been Chairman of Viellard Migeon & Compagnie for 47 years.


Settlement of Rapala France in Bourogne, distributor of the Group's entire range for the fishing sector.
Rapala-VMC has developed a closer relationship with Shimano, through a reserved increase in capital, in order to distribute its fishing products.

Fixations pour l'automobile


Viellard Migeon & Compagnie consolidates its position by becoming the principal shareholder in Rapala-VMC.


GFI Industries becomes the Lisi Group, present on the Paris stock exchange. Today the groupe is centred on three sectors : aeronautics, automobiles, and perfume-cosmestics.
Each division is autonomous, but shares with the others marketing and manufacturing techniques.


Hameçons triples
Treble hooks
VMC Pêche joins Rapala to form the Rapala-VMC Group, presnet on the Helsinki stock exchange, becoming the world's largest manufacturers of lures and treble hooks.


VMC celebrates its 200th anniversary and becomes a member of the Henokiens.


Viellard Migeon merges its screw and bolt division with other manufacturers to create GFD.


Viellard Migeon & Compagnie diversifies, expanding its activities to the construction of hydro-electric dams, an activity later nationalised.

1910 : Rassemblement des ouvriers des forges de Méziré et Grandvillars
cliquez pour agrandir l'image 1910 : Gathering of employees
of the Méziré and Grandvillars forges


Creation of the Morvillars fishhook factory, early in the 20th century, still flourishing today.

Electrodes de soudure
Welding of electrodes


The marriage of Juvénal Viellard and Laure Migeon and later, in 1870, of their son Léon Viellard and Claire de Pruines, contributed to developp wood and forges in the area.


Under the First Empire, the Morvillars forges manufacture wire for the Japy factories. Viellard Migeon begins to manufacture chains, bolts, screws and related products.


Jean-Baptiste Migeon and Jean-Baptiste Dominé acquire the lease of the Morvillars forges.


The first "maître de forge" (iron-master) of the Viellard family, Nicolas, manages the foundry of the Lepuix-Gy mines, Giromagny.

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La société familiale Viellard Migeon et Compagnie – 225 ans – de Morvillars au monde (1996-2021)
La société familiale Viellard Migeon et Compagnie – 225 ans – de Morvillars au monde (1996-2021)
De la forge à la société holding Viellard Migeon et Compagnie
De la forge à la société holding Viellard Migeon et Compagnie
Les Hénokiens - Association d'entreprises familiales et bicentenaires
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